Missions Committee

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Missions Committee
The appropriate leadership authority of your church should be asked to establish a missions committee made up of six to ten members who have a heart for missions. They need not be highly experienced, just highly committed to making missions come alive in the church. The different functions will be discussed below.

Committee Membership Criteria

  • A growing Spiritual maturity
  • Faithful participation in the life and work of the church
  • A heart for home and world missions
  • A demonstrated ability to accomplish assigned tasks
  • A willingness to commit a substantial amount of time to this effort

Missions Committee Purpose and Plan
Each church/mission committee should start its work with the development of a purpose statement and a plan of action. The purpose statement is a concise paragraph expressing an understanding of the ultimate goals. An example follows:

Our purpose is to fulfill the world outreach aspect of the great commission within Covenant Presbyterian Church by educating the congregation concerning missions and missionaries, to encourage personal interest that will lead to prayer, financial support, and regular communication with missionaries, and to foster individual involvement in short and long time mission teams.

A plan is a concise paragraph detailing how to accomplish the purpose. An example follows:

We plan to conduct an annual missions conference that gives sharp focus to missions with missionaries speaking in various settings and allowing the congregation to personally interact with veteran and itinerating missionaries by providing bed and breakfast, fellowship meals, and other one-on-one and small group meetings. At other times we host missionaries who are traveling in our area, and share the letters, videos, prayer requests, and other news of missionaries we help support. We conduct a monthly missions meeting, part of which will be devoted to praying for missionaries and the persecuted church.

Mission Committee Leadership (annual positions)

  • Chairman and Mission Conference Coordinator: heads up committee, calls for and conducts meetings, handles correspondence, oversees all aspects of the conference and maintains contact with the conference faculty, reports to governing body of church
  • Vice Chairman: presides in chairs absence, assists as needed, coordinates the conference Schedule & Missionary Displays
  • Secretary: keeps accurate records of the meetings and work of the committee and notifies members of meetings (It is recommend that the church treasurer disburse missions funds as recommended by the committee and approved by the church governing body)
  • Prayer Coordinator: keeps abreast of prayer needs of missions and missionaries and keeps these issues before the congregation and organizes prayer for the annual missions conference, shares these request with pastor for inclusion in pastoral prayer and in church newsletter, and organizes prayer for and during the missions conference
  • Education and Publicity Coordinator: resource person to educate committee and congregation about missions, missionaries, fields of service, and upcoming short and long term missionary opportunities; informs the congregation, other interested churches, and the media (as appropriate) of the missions conference and other missionary events

Mission Conference Coordinators (serve to support conference)

  • Housing and Meals Coordinator: arranges housing and meals for conference faculty
  • Worship Coordinator: works with pastoral staff, music leaders, etc., to plan order of worship for conference sanctuary services
  • Technology Coordinator: works with church audio/video staff to make certain all activities have necessary sound reinforcement, and any digital, overhead or slide projectors and computer support as determine by prior communication with conference faculty
  • Set-up Clean-up Coordinator: responsible for making sure each event is properly set-up in advanced and cleaned up after the event is over

Length of Conference

  • This is entirely up to church leadership. Some examples: Sunday to Sunday, Sunday to Wednesday, Wednesday to Sunday, or just Friday, Saturday, and Sunday

Conference Faculty

  • Main Speaker: does not have to be a missionary, can be the pastor or missions pastor of a church strongly committed to missions, or any good speaker who can challenge your church to take up the cause of world missions
  • Missionaries: this issue will be driven by your philosophy of missions, your denominational affiliation, where your church is located, etc

Conference Purpose

  • The committee determines the purpose for mission conference in conjunction with the leadership body of the church. Purposes such as educating the congregation about missions, seeking to encourage prayer and financial support for missionaries, and the possible recruitment of potential missionaries from within your congregation are common goals. Feel free to add other purposes based on your circumstances and challenges set before you.

Missions Philosophy

  • One or more concise paragraphs that detail the understanding that your church is a partner with others in the commission of Christ to make disciples of every tribe, tongue, and nation. No church is asked to do it alone, no church can opt out and do nothing.

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